måndag 3 juni 2013

Starting the PAiA 4700 restoration project

I recently bought an old PAiA 4700 modular synthesizer. There are som known problems with my unit and while I spend time fixing it, I plan to write about the expericence here.

The modules included are:
2 4710 balanced modulator
1 4711 4/2 mixer
1 4712 reverb
3 4720 VCO
1 4730 VCF
2 4740 envelope generator
1 4750 control oscillator noise
1 4771 regulated power
1 4780 sequencer

The modules are mounted in a 4761 case and there is one 4782 keyboard.

The work will include (but are pbably not limited to) the following:
  • Fixing the non-working keyboard
  • Replacing old capacitors and possibly some othe components
  • Fix some bad wiring
  • Trimming the modules. The signals from the oscillators does not look like the ideal sine, saw, triangle and square, and the filters frequency response is weird
  • Adding missing screws
  • Making new pin cables
Let the work begin!

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